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The firm utilizes a bottom-up, fundamental-based research process emphasizing below the radar small-cap value stocks. The archetypical KWM investment is an overlooked stock at a discounted valuation, whose business is inflecting. Our process is rooted in the classical value framework with an emphasis on strong competitive positioning and durable cash flows.
Price is what you pay; value is what you get- Warren Buffett
Additionally, we seek to develop strong relationships with the management teams of our portfolio companies. KWM will typically invest in no more than 15 alpha-generating stocks and know them very well. We seek to focus on our “best ideas” rather than dilute our efforts and potentially results.
6810 Lyons Technology Circle
Suite 160
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
P: (631) 863-3100
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(2) Kanen Wealth Management only conducts business in jurisdictions where approved or exempt.